* 고유번호증번호 : 214-80-10171 / * 대표자 : 장희정 / 개인정보취급방침 / CMS 이용약관
* 주소 : (07944) 서울시 양천구 오목로 181, 4층
* 대표전화 : 02-826-9925 * 팩스: 02-826-9924 * 이메일 :hanbumo20@hanmail.net
* 한부모고충 통합상담전화 : 1533-3510 * 후원문의 : 02-826-9925
* 후원링크 : https://online.mrm.or.kr/wXByN4A
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Copyright. 2022 Korea Single Parents Association . All rights reserved.
The ever-lowering age of sexual intercourse and increase of teenage pregnancy is an unavoidable reality but for which no transparent policy has been adopted in korea. To ameliorate this reality, this study intended to institutionally compare Korea and the U.S. with particular respect to teenage pregnancy policy so that this study can contribute to the policy agenda setting of teenage pregnancy policy. The policy objective construed in this study was the prevention and care of pregnant teenage and the policy means to fulfill this objective were searched in terms of welfare facilities, education/ training programs, and laws and finance. The results and policy suggestions of this study were as follows: First, in case of welfare facilities advertisement for such facilities has been insufficient as well as the number of such facilities was insufficient, so that the increase in number of welfare facilities for pregnant teenage will have to be pursued at the local community level; Second in case of education/ train programs, a one-round, formal lecture-type education is presently dominating, let alone the post-pregnancy programs relevancy to recovering a normal life, so that education and training programs for pregnant teenage must reflect their real needs and demands; and, Third, in case of laws and finance, the moral responsibility of father of teenage-born babies has been lacking, so that the government must seriously consider the legal sanctions on "being a father" of the teenage pregnancy.